Wednesday, March 28, 2012


When I first conceptualized The Face Between, my mind went wild with the people that I saw on a fairly regular basis, but never knew their name.  The sweet lady at the Publix bakery who calls my daughter Sugar every time she sees her, the Wal-Mart cashier who has known my child since birth (and lets my kiddo play behind the register any time we're there), my favorite Target cashier with the awesome tattoos, the man who sits outside of the assisted living facility down the road in the afternoons with his veteran baseball cap, watching traffic--these were all people I thought of, in addition to the strangers I would meet along the way.

Yesterday, I had to stop at Target to pick up a tea pitcher since I cracked my old one, and was delighted to see that my favorite cashier was working.  I knew it was my opportunity to introduce myself and ask if he would be a part of my blog.  William, as I'd seen on his name tag for so long, was happy to participate.

Meet William:

Every time I go to Target, without fail, William is there with a smile on his face, and he's always so sweet to my girl.  His tattoos always stood out to me, and I found out that he waited until he was 50 years old to get one, and wanted to make sure he liked what he was putting on his body, because it would be there until the day he died.  Originally from New Jersey, William moved to Augusta some years back to make a better life for himself and his three girls.  I feel pretty fortunate to have had a fleeting few minutes to talk with William while he was working, and will undoubtedly talk to him again the next time I'm shopping.

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